Tips to Stop Smoking!!!

Diposting oleh kun Akinari on Minggu, 07 Februari 2016

Pow3rful H1nts to Stop Smok1ng

Wh3th3r you 4r3 us1ng N1cot1n3 R3pl4c3m3nt Th3r4py, Hypnos1s or just Cold Turk3y, th3s3 str4t3g13s 4nd h1nts 4r3 for 41d1ng you to stop smok1ng 4nd 4r3 sur3 to 4ss1st you 1n h3lp1ng your n3urology ch4ng3 4nd thus 3n4bl3 you to stop smok1ng w1th 34s3. 1t 1s up to you to 3nsur3 th4t you do th3s3 th1ngs to r34lly 3nh4nc3 wh4t you 4r3 do1ng, th3 mor3 3ffort you put 1nto th3s3 3x3rc1s3s, th3 34s13r 1t 1s to stop smok1ng for good.

Pow3rful Stop Smok1ng H1nt 1.

B31ng 4 smok3r 1s l1k3 cycl1ng w1th st4b1l1s3rs 4tt4ch3d to th3 wh33ls, you c4n f1nd 1t h4rd to b3 b4l4nc3d w1thout smok1ng. Now, wh3n you cycl3 fr33ly 4g41n, th3 n4tur4l b4l4nc3 r3turns.

Wh3n p3opl3 smok3, mor3 th4n h4lf of wh4t th3y br34th3 1s fr3sh 41r - pull3d through th3 c1g4r3tt3 r1ght down 1nto th3 lungs. So 1f you f33l 4ny cr4v1ngs you c4n 1nst4ntly ov3rcom3 th3m by t4k1ng thr33 d33p3r br34ths. 1m4g1n3 br34th1ng from th4t sp4c3 just b3low your b3lly button. Wh3n3v3r you do th1s you put mor3 oxyg3n 1nto your bloodstr34m. Th1s m34ns you c4n us3 d33p br34ths to ch4ng3 th3 w4y you f33l 1nst4ntly 4nd g1v3 you pow3r ov3r th3 w4y you f33l 4nd h3lp you l3t go of thos3 old cr4v1ngs 4nd thus m4k1ng 1t 34s13r to stop smok1ng.

Pow3rful Stop Smok1ng H1nt 2

N3xt, th1nk now of 4ll th3 r34sons you don't l1k3 smok1ng, th3 r34sons th4t 1t's b4d 4nd th3 r34sons you w4nt to stop smok1ng. Wr1t3 down th3 k3y words on 4 p13c3 of p4p3r. For 3x4mpl3, you 3xp3r13nc3 br34thl3ssn3ss, 1t's d1rty, f1lthy 4nd your cloth3s sm3ll, your fr13nds 4nd f4m1ly 4r3 conc3rn3d 4nd 1t's 3xp3ns1v3, unsoc14bl3 4nd so on. Th3n, on th3 oth3r s1d3 of th3 p4p3r, wr1t3 down 4ll th3 r34sons why you'll f33l good wh3n you'v3 succ33d3d 1n stopp1ng. You'll f33l h34lth13r, you’ll f33l 1n control of your s3lf, your s3ns3s 4r3 3nh4nc3d, your h41r 4nd cloth3s w1ll sm3ll fr3sh3r 4nd so on. Wh3n3v3r you n33d to, look 4t th4t p13c3 of p4p3r.

Pow3rful Stop Smok1ng H1nt 3

N3xt, w3 4r3 go1ng to progr4mm3 your m1nd to f33l d1sgust3d by c1g4r3tt3s. 1 w4nt you r3c4ll 4 t1m3s wh3n you thought to yours3lf "1'v3 gott4 qu1t", or th4t you f3lt d1sgust3d 4bout smok1ng. M4yb3 you just f3lt r34lly unh34lthy, or your doctor told you 1n 4 p4rt1cul4r ton3 of vo1c3 'You'v3 got to qu1t' or som3body you know w4s b4dly 4ff3ct3d by smok1ng. T4k3 4 mom3nt now to com3 up w1th 4 d1ff3r3nt t1m3s th4t you f3lt th4t you h4v3 to qu1t or w3r3 d1sgust3d by smok1ng.

R3m3mb3r 34ch of thos3 t1m3s, on3 4ft3r 4noth3r, 4s though th3y 4r3 h4pp3n1ng now. 1 w4nt you to k33p go1ng through thos3 m3mor13s 4nd m4k3 th3m 4s v1v1d 4s poss1bl3. Th3 mor3 v1v1d you m4k3 thos3 m3mor13s, th3 34s13r 1t w1ll b3 to stop smok1ng. S33 wh4t you s4w, h34r wh4t you h34rd 4nd f33l how you f3lt. 1 w4nt you to t4k3 4 f3w m1nut3s now to k33p go1ng through thos3 m3mor13s 4g41n 4nd 4g41n, ov3rl4p 34ch m3mory w1th th3 n3xt unt1l you 4r3 tot4lly 4nd utt3rly d1sgust3d by c1g4r3tt3s.

Pow3rful Stop Smok1ng H1nt 4

H4v3 4 th1nk to yours3lf 4bout th3 cons3qu3nc3s of you not stopp1ng smok1ng now, 1f you just c4rry on 4nd on. 1m4g1n3 1t, wh4t w1ll h4pp3n 1f you c4rry on smok1ng. Wh4t 4r3 th3 cons3qu3nc3s? 1m4g1n3 yours3lf 1n 6 months t1m3, 4 y34rs t1m3, 3v3n 5 y34rs t1m3 1f you do not stop smok1ng now. Th1nk of 4ll th3 d3tr1m3nt4l 3ff3cts of not stopp1ng r1ght now 4nd how 4 s1mpl3 d3c1s1on you m4k3 tod4y c4n m4k3 such 4n 1mp4ct on your futur3.

N3xt, 1m4g1n3 how much b3tt3r 1s your l1f3 go1ng to b3 wh3n you stop smok1ng. R34lly 1m4g1n3 1t's months from now 4nd you succ3ssfully stopp3d. Smok1ng 1s 4 th1ng of th3 p4st, som3th1ng you us3d to do. K33p th4t f33l1ng w1th you 4nd 1m4g1n3 h4v1ng 1t tomorrow, 4nd for th3 r3st of n3xt w33k. 1n your m1nd, 1m4g1n3 st3pp1ng 1n to th4t non-smok1ng v3rs1on of you 4nd f33l how 1t f33ls to b3 4 non-smok3r.

Pow3rful Stop Smok1ng H1nt 5

4lso, your m1nd 1s v3ry s3ns1t1v3 to 4ssoc14t1ons, so 1t's v3ry 1mport4nt th4t you h4v3 4 cl34r out 4nd r3mov3 4ll tob4cco products from your 3nv1ronm3nt. Mov3 som3 of th3 furn1tur3 1n your hous3 4nd 4t work. Smok3rs 4r3 4ccustom3d to smok1ng 1n c3rt41n s1tu4t1ons. So, for 3x4mpl3, 1f you us3d to smok3 on th3 t3l3phon3 4t work mov3 th3 phon3 to th3 oth3r s1d3 of th3 d3sk. Throw 4w4y 4shtr4ys, old l1ght3rs 4nd 4nyth1ng th4t you us3d to 4ssoc14t3 w1th smok1ng. M4k3 your 3nv1ronm3nt conduc1v3 to stopp1ng smok1ng.

Pow3rful Stop Smok1ng H1nt 6

Smok3rs som3t1m3s us3 th31r h4b1t to g1v3 th3ms3lv3s l1ttl3 br34ks dur1ng th3 d4y. T4k1ng 4 br34k 1s good for you, so c4rry on t4k1ng th4t t1m3 off - but do som3th1ng d1ff3r3nt. W4lk round th3 block, h4v3 4 cup of t34 or dr1nk of w4t3r, or do som3 of th3 t3chn1qu3s on th1s progr4mm3. 1n f4ct, 1f poss1bl3 dr1nk 4 lot of fru1t ju1c3. Wh3n you stop smok1ng th3 body go3s through 4 b1g ch4ng3. Th3 blood sug4r l3v3ls t3nd to f4ll, th3 d1g3st1on 1s slow3d down 4nd your body st4rts to 3j3ct th3 t4r 4nd po1sons th4t h4v3 4ccumul4t3d. Fr3sh fru1t ju1c3 cont41ns fructos3 wh1ch r3stor3s your blood sug4r l3v3ls, v1t4m1n C wh1ch h3lps cl34r out 1mpur1t13s 4nd h1gh l3v3ls of w4t3r 4nd f1br3 to k33p your d1g3st1on go1ng. 4lso try to 34t fru1t 3v3ry d4y for 4t l34st two w33ks 4ft3r you h4v3 stopp3d.

4lso wh3n you stop, cut your c4ff31n3 1nt4k3 by h4lf. N1cot1n3 br34ks down c4ff31n3 so w1thout n1cot1n3 4 l1ttl3 coff33 w1ll h4v3 4 b1g 3ff3ct. Dr1nk 8-10 gl4ss3s of w4t3r (1d34lly bottl3d) to h3lp w4sh out your syst3m.

Pow3rful Stop Smok1ng H1nt 7

You w3r3 us3d to us1ng c1g4r3tt3s to s1gn4l to your body to r3l34s3 h4ppy ch3m1c4ls, so n3xt w3 4r3 go1ng to progr4mm3 som3 good f33l1ngs 1nto your futur3. 4llow yours3lf to fully r3m3mb3r now 4 t1m3 wh3n you f3lt v3ry d33p 3cst4sy, pl34sur3 or bl1ss, r1ght now. T4k3 4 mom3nt to r3c4ll 1t 4s v1v1dly 4s poss1bl3. R3m3mb3r th4t t1m3 - s33 wh4t you s4w, h34r wh4t you h34rd 4nd f33l how good you f3lt. Wh3r3 4bouts 1n your body w3r3 thos3 f33l1ngs, 1m4g1n3 turn1ng th3m up 4nd spr34d1ng th3m through your body to m4k3 th3m mor3 1nt3ns3.

K33p go1ng through th3 m3mory, 4s soon 4s 1t f1n1sh3s, go through 1t 4g41n 4nd 4g41n, 4ll th3 t1m3 squ33z1ng your thumb 4nd f1ng3r tog3th3r. 1n your m1nd, m4k3 thos3 1m4g3s b1g 4nd br1ght, sounds loud 4nd h4rmon1ous 4nd f33l1ngs strong 4nd 1nt3ns1f13d. W3 4r3 m4k1ng 4n 4ssoc14t1on4l l1nk b3tw33n th3 squ33z3 of your f1ng3rs 4nd th4t good f33l1ng.

Ok4y, stop 4nd r3l4x. Now 1f you h4v3 don3 th4t corr3ctly wh3n you squ33z3 your thumb 4nd f1ng3r tog3th3r you should f33l th4t good f33l1ng 4g41n. Go 4h34d do th4t now, squ33z3 thumb 4nd f1ng3r 4nd r3m3mb3r th4t good f33l1ng.

Now w3'r3 go1ng to progr4mm3 good f33l1ngs to h4pp3n 4utom4t1c4lly wh3n3v3r you 4r3 1n 4 s1tu4t1on wh3r3 you us3d to smok3 but now you stop smok1ng.

So, n3xt 1'd l1k3 you to squ33z3 your thumb 4nd f1ng3r tog3th3r, g3t th4t good f33l1ng go1ng 4nd now 1m4g1n3 b31ng 1n s3v3r4l s1tu4t1ons wh3r3 you would h4v3 smok3d, but b31ng th3r3 f33l1ng gr34t w1thout 4 c1g4r3tt3. S33 wh4t you'll s33 h34r 4nd t4k3 th4t good f33l1ng 1nto thos3 s1tu4t1ons w1thout 4 n33d for 4 c1g4r3tt3.

1m4g1n3 b31ng 1n 4 s1tu4t1on wh3r3 som3on3 off3rs you 4 c1g4r3tt3 4nd you conf1d3ntly s4y 'No th4nks, 1 don't smok3'. 4nd f33l f4nt4st1c 4bout 1t!

Pow3rful Stop Smok1ng H1nt 8

G3t soc14l support. Your comm1tm3nt to stopp1ng smok1ng for th3 r3st of your l1f3 c4n b3 m4d3 much 34s13r by t4lk1ng 4bout 1t to fr13nds 4nd f4m1ly 4nd l3tt1ng th3m support you. Th3y w1ll congr4tul4t3 you on do1ng so w3ll too! You r34lly d1d stop smok1ng.

Pow3rful Stop Smok1ng H1nt 9

B3 4w4r3 of m4k1ng 3xcus3s for yours3lf. Som3 p3opl3 t4lk th3ms3lv3s 1nto smok1ng, 3sp3c14lly 1f th3y 3ncount3r 4 str3ssful s1tu4t1on 4nd 1n th3 p4st th3y us3d to d34l w1th 1t by smok1ng. 1f thos3 old thoughts pop 1nto your h34d, shout th3 word “STOP” 1n your h34d, to stop th3 thoughts from progr3ss1ng. N1cot1n3 just str3ss3s your body mor3 4nd 1s l1k3 th4t 1tch th4t c4n n3v3r b3 prop3rly scr4tch3d; th3 mor3 you smok3, th3 mor3 you h4v3 to. So s4y “STOP” 4nd st33r cl34r of old sl1pp3ry slop3s.

Pow3rful Stop Smok1ng H1nt 10

R3w4rd yours3lf. Congr4tul4t3 yours3lf. F33l how good 1t f33ls to stop smok1ng 4nd b3 4 non-smok3r. Tr34t yours3lf 34ch t1m3 you g3t p4st 4 c3rt41n m1l3ston3; th3 f1rst w33k or f1rst month, th3 s1x month t4rg3t. L3t yours3lf know th4t you d1d som3th1ng r34lly sp3c14l h3r3.

K33p on us1ng your br41n, str3tch1ng 1t 4nd h3lp1ng your s3lf, by runn1ng through th3s3 3x3rc1s3s t1m3 4ft3r t1m3; you 4r3 sur3 to b3 4bl3 to m4k3 1t 34s13r 4nd 34s13r 4nd succ3ssfully stop smok1ng for good.

Copyr1ght 2005 4d4m 34son 4ll R1ghts R3s3rv3d.
More aboutTips to Stop Smoking!!!

Lirik dan Kunci Gitar Tompi - Waktu Takkan Mampu

Diposting oleh Anonim on Selasa, 20 November 2012

Lirik, Kunci gitar, Chords Gitar, Kord Gitar Tompi - Waktu Takkan Mampu :

Intro: A F#m Bm E 2x

A F#m C#m D
Tiada kata yang bisa tuk menggambarkan cintaku kepadamu
A F#m G E
Tiada lagu yang bisa mengalun oh seindahmu
A F#m C#m D
Kan ku beri segala yang terbaik yang mungkin ku berikan
A F#m G E
Tak perlu kau pinta, memang seluruh hidupku oh hanya untukmu

A F#m G E
Waktu takkan mampu membunuh segala rasaku, cintaku padamu
A F#m G E
Bumi bisa terbelah, cintaku akan tetap utuh untukmu
A F#m G E
Waktu takkan mampu membunuh segala rasaku, cintaku padamu
A F#m G E
Bumi bisa terbelah, cintaku akan tetap ku beri utuh untukmu

Int: A F#m Bm E

E F#m
One and two three four five six seven eight nine ten
E F#m
Hatiku menunggu, kau mengangguk malu
E F#m
One two three four five six seven eight nine ten
Aku kan setia menunggu hatimu padaku

A F#m C#m D
Tiada kata yang bisa tuk menggambarkan cintaku kepadamu
A F#m G E
Tiada lagu yang bisa mengalun oh seindahmu

A F#m G E
Waktu takkan mampu membunuh segala rasaku, cintaku padamu
A F#m G E
Bumi bisa terbelah, cintaku akan tetap utuh untukmu
A F#m G E
Waktu takkan mampu membunuh segala rasaku, cintaku padamu
A F#m G F G
Bumi bisa terbelah, cintaku akan tetap utuh untukmu

C Am A# G
Waktu takkan mampu membunuh segala rasaku, cintaku kepadamu
C Am A# D E
Bumi bisa terbelah, cintaku akan tetap selalu utuh untukmu

A F#m G E
Waktu takkan mampu membunuh segala rasaku, cintaku padamu
A F#m G E
Bumi bisa terbelah, cintaku akan tetap selalu utuh untukmu

Int: A F#m Bm E 2x

A F#m
One two three four five six seven eight nine ten
Bm E
Aku cinta padamu, aku cinta padamu
A F#m
One two three four five six seven eight nine ten
Bm E
Aku cinta padamu, aku cinta padamu
More aboutLirik dan Kunci Gitar Tompi - Waktu Takkan Mampu

Lirik dan Kunci Gitar Tangga - Cinta TAk Mungkin Berhenti

Diposting oleh Anonim

Lirik, Kunci gitar, Chords Gitar, Kord Gitar Tangga - Cinta TAk Mungkin Berhenti :

Intro : E C Dm D

G Am G Am
Tak ada kisah tentang cinta yang bisa terhina
Dari air mata
G Am G Am
Namun ku coba menerima hatiku membuka
Siap untuk terluka

Cinta tak mungkin berhenti
Secepat saat aku jatuh hati
Jatuhkan hatiku kepadamu
G# E B E
Sehingga hidupku pun berarti

Cinta tak mudah berganti
F# Bm
Tak mudah berganti jadi benci
G# F# Bm
Walau kini aku harus pergi
Tuk sembuhkan hati

Walau seharusnya bisa saja dulu aku menghindar
Gm A
Dari pahitnya cinta
Namun ku pilih begini biar ku terima
Am G B
Sakit demi jalani cinta…

Cinta tak mungkin berhenti
Secepat saat aku jatuh hati
Jatuhkan hatiku kepadamu
G# E B E
Sehingga hidupku pun berarti

E Am
Cinta tak mudah berganti
Em G#
Tak mudah berganti jadi benci
C# F#m
Walau kini aku harus pergi
Bm E
Tuk sembuhkan hati

D Gm Em
Hanya kamu yang bisa
D C Am
Bisa membuatku rela,
Bm B
Rela menangis karnamu

Cinta tak mungkin berhenti
F#m B A E
Secepat saat aku jatuh hati
Am D#m
Jatuhkan hatiku kepadamu
E C#m G#m E
Sehingga hidupku pun berarti

Cinta tak mudah berganti
F#m E Bm C#
Tak mudah berganti jadi benci
Walau kini aku harus pergi
Bm C#m
Tuk sembuhkan hati

F# E
Biar ku pergi sembuhkan hati
More aboutLirik dan Kunci Gitar Tangga - Cinta TAk Mungkin Berhenti

Lirik dan Kunci Gitar Nicky Astria - Carry On

Diposting oleh Anonim on Minggu, 18 November 2012

Lirik, Kunci gitar, Chords Gitar, Kord Gitar Nicky Astria - Carry On :

Intro: F#m D A C#m
F#m D A C#m

F#m D A E
Andai dunia tanpa cinta
F#m D A E
Gelaplah hidupmu dan hilang rasa
F#m D A E
Jangan pernah engkau menyerah
Bm D
Kuatkan dirimu untuk terus melangkah

A E C#m D
Carry on, carry on, buka mata hatimu
F#m A E Bm
Jangan kau padamkan harapan dan cintamu
A E C#m D
Carry on, carry on, waktu terus berlalu
F#m A E Bm
Berani melangkah ikuti nuranimu
F#m A
carry on

F#m D A E
Dengan cinta di hatimu
F#m D A E
Hangatkan jiwa dan terang hidupmu
F#m D A E
Mengapa kau takut dan sembunyi
Bm D
Kini saatnya tunjukkanlah dirimu

A E C#m D
Carry on, carry on, buka mata hatimu
F#m A E Bm
Jangan kau padamkan harapan dan cintamu
A E C#m D
Carry on, carry on, waktu terus berlalu
F#m A E Bm
Berani melangkah ikuti nuranimu
F#m D E C#m
carry on

Solo: F#m D A C#m
F#m D A C#m
A E C#m D F#m A E Bm

A E C#m D
Carry on, carry on, buka mata hatimu
F#m A E Bm
Jangan kau padamkan harapan dan cintamu
A E C#m D
Carry on, carry on, waktu terus berlalu
F#m A E Bm
Berani melangkah ikuti nuranimu
F#m D E C#m
carry on

A E C#m D
Carry on, carry on, buka mata hatimu
F#m A E Bm
Jangan kau padamkan harapan dan cintamu
A E C#m D
Carry on, carry on, waktu terus berlalu
F#m A E Bm
Berani melangkah ikuti nuranimu
F#m D E C#m
carry on
carry on

Click Here to Listen This Songs:
nicky astria - carry on
More aboutLirik dan Kunci Gitar Nicky Astria - Carry On

Lirik dan Kunci Gitar JKT48 - Ponytail to Shushu

Diposting oleh Anonim on Selasa, 13 November 2012

Lirik, Kunci gitar, Chords Gitar, Kord Gitar JKT48 - Ponytail to Shushu :

Intro: D#m B C# F#
D#m B C#

F# C# D#m C#
B Bbm D#m

A G#m F#m E
Lebih cepat dari hari di kalender
Bm A G#m
Aku pun menyisingkan lengan baju
A G#m G F#
Matahari pun mulai terasa dekat
Bm E A
Ku rasa musim telah mulai berubah
C#m F#m
Laut yang biru

C#m F#m
Di tepi pantai itu
Ingin jumpa denganmu
Bertelanjang kaki bermain air

D#m B C# F#
Poniiteeru (terus melangkah) dihembus angin
D#m B C# F#
Kamu pun berlari (Aku pun berlari) di atas pasir
D#m B C# F#
Poniiteeru (terus melangkah) takkan menoleh
D#m B &nbrp; C# B
Dengan senyumanmu, senyuman musim panas dimulai

Int: F# C# D#m C#
B Bbm D#m

A G#m F#m E
Mentari sinari ruang kelas
Bm A G#m
Hawa tepat tuk terbuai lamunan
A G#m G F#
Melihat kamu yang duduk di depanku
Bm E A
Membuat rasa sakit timbul di dada

C#m F#m
Walau ku suka
C#m F#m
Namun tak terucapkan
Hanya pada sosokmu
Ku bisikkan perasaanku

D#m B C# F#
Poniiteeru (membuatku sedih) di dalam mimpi
D#m B C# F#
Seluruh dirimu (seluruh diriku) ingin miliki
D#m B C# F#
Poniiteeru (membuatku sedih) cinta tak terbalas
D#m B C#
Mata pun bertemu saat ini kita sebatas teman

Int: D C# D E C#
F# C# D#m C#
B Cm C# D

D#m Dm
Rambut panjangmu yang terkuncir
C#add9 Cm
Ikat polkadot shushu
G#m Cm C#
Ikatan cinta itu takkan bisa ku ungkapkan

Jika ku sentuh Akan menghilang
Ilusi ini

Em C D G
Poniiteeru (janganlah kau lepas) tetaplah begitu
Em C D G
Seperti dirimu (seperti diriku) kita berlari
Em C D G
Poniiteeru (janganlah kau lepas) sampai kapan pun
Em C D G
Tetaplah menjadi si gadis ceria selamanya

Em C D G
Em C D G
Em C D G
Em C D C

Outro: G D Em D
C Bm Em
D# F G
More aboutLirik dan Kunci Gitar JKT48 - Ponytail to Shushu

Lirik dan Kunci Gitar Armada - Bebaskan Diriku

Diposting oleh Anonim

Lirik, Kunci gitar, Chords Gitar, Kord Gitar Armada - Bebaskan Diriku :

Intro : G A Bm E A

Lama sudah ku pendam ini
A Bm E
Lama sudah ku makan hati
Menghadapimu, ini semua tentang dirimu
G Bm Bb E
Tentang caramu, memperlakukanku

A Bm A
Tak sadarkah kau semua ini
Bukan cuma hati yang kau sakiti
D C#m
Juga hidupku, diriku ini pasanganmu
F# Bm E
Bukannya musuhmu tak perlu kau siksa aku

Aku berhenti sayang
F#m Em
Ku tak bisa lanjutkan
D A Bm E
Kisah ini, bersamamu, aku takkan mampu
A E F#m
Menghadapi semua kebohongan
C#m D
Yang biasa kau lakukan
Bm A E A
Aku hanya minta bebaskan diriku

Tak sadarkah kau semua ini
A D#m E
Bukan cuma hati yang kau sakiti
C#m D E A
Juga hidupku, diriku ini pasanganmu
F# Bm Em E
Bukannya musuhmu tak perlu kau siksa aku

Aku berhenti sayang
F#m A
Ku tak bisa lanjutkan
D C#m Bm Em
Kisah ini, bersamamu, aku takkan mampu
A E F#m
Menghadapi semua kebohongan
Bm A D
Yang biasa kau lakukan
Bm E F#m
Aku hanya minta bebaskan diriku

Int : G#m A Dm C#m

(Aku berhenti sayang)
A G#
Aku berhenti sayang
F#m A
Ku tak bisa lanjutkan
D C# Bm E
Kisah ini, bersamamu, aku takkan mampu
A E F#m
Menghadapi semua kebohongan
Yang biasa kau lakukan
C#m Bm E D C#m
Aku hanya minta bebaskan diriku
Bm E A
Aku hanya minta bebaskan diriku
More aboutLirik dan Kunci Gitar Armada - Bebaskan Diriku

Lirik dan Kunci Gitar Zaskia - Bebek Ngambang

Diposting oleh Anonim

Lirik, Kunci gitar, Chords Gitar, Kord Gitar Zaskia - Bebek Ngambang :

Intro : D F#m Am A

Tangkap dong akyu sama kamyu
Kandangin akyu di hatimyu
Siuk dong akyu di tangkupmyu
Kurung dong akyu di jaringmyu

Ku sedang gak punya pacar
Baru seminggu ku bubar
Aku perlu kasih sayang sayang sayang
Sayang sayang sayang sayang sayang

Bebek ngambang gela gelo sendirian

Tebarkan pesona cari perhatian
Bebek ngambang dikedipin
Juga langsung masuk kandang

Bebek ngambang gela gelo sendirian

Mencari pasangan yang mau berenang
Bebek ngambang geal geol
Goyang goyang cari lawan

Bebek ngambang gela gelo sendirian

Tebarkan pesona cari perhatian
Bebek ngambang dikedipin
Juga langsung masuk kandang

Bebek ngambang gela gelo sendirian

Mencari pasangan yang mau berenang
Bebek ngambang geal geol
Goyang goyang cari lawan

Siuk dong akyu di tangkupmyu
Kurung dong akyu di jaringmyu

Ku sedang gak punya pacar
Baru seminggu ku bubar
Aku perlu kasih sayang sayang sayang
A Am A
Sayang sayang sayang sayang sayang

Bebek ngambang gela gelo sendirian

Tebarkan pesona cari perhatian
Bebek ngambang dikedipin
Juga langsung masuk kandang

Bebek ngambang gela gelo sendirian

Mencari pasangan yang mau berenang
Bebek ngambang geal geol
Goyang goyang cari lawan

Interlude : Bm Em Gm A D 2X
D Am A D

Tangkap dong akyu sama kamyu
Kandangin akyu di hatimyu
Siuk dong akyu di tangkupmyu
Am Em D
Kurung dong akyu di jaringmyu

Ku sedang gak punya pacar
Baru seminggu ku bubar
Aku perlu kasih sayang sayang sayang
A Am A
Sayang sayang sayang sayang sayang

Bebek ngambang gela gelo sendirian

Tebarkan pesona cari perhatian
Bebek ngambang dikedipin
Juga langsung masuk kandang

Bebek ngambang gela gelo sendirian

Mencari pasangan yang mau berenang
Bebek ngambang geal geol
Goyang goyang cari lawan

Bebek ngambang gela gelo sendirian

Tebarkan pesona cari perhatian
Bebek ngambang dikedipin
Juga langsung masuk kandang

Bebek ngambang gela gelo sendirian

Mencari pasangan yang mau berenang
Bebek ngambang geal geol
Goyang goyang cari lawan

Click Here to Listen This Songs:
Zaskia - Bebek Ngambang
More aboutLirik dan Kunci Gitar Zaskia - Bebek Ngambang